Dr. Casto’s Professional Portfolio

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Amanda Casto

Amanda is an Assistant Professor of Education and the Education Studies Major Program Coordinator at Southern Oregon University. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses at SOU in the areas of curriculum & instruction, STEM education, and multicultural education.

In 2019, Amanda graduated from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, where she obtained her doctoral degree in Curriculum and Instruction with a specialization in Urban Elementary Education. However, her professional journey as an educator began in 2007 after graduating from Madonna University (Livonia, MI) with a B.A. in Social Studies and a minor in Elementary Education. For more than a decade, she taught in a variety of K-8 settings, including public, STEM magnet, private, and charter schools. Each administrator, teacher, and student along her path has provided Amanda with an unparalleled education regarding effective pedagogy, and more importantly, the need for greater advocacy and equity for all students. 

Amanda’s research interests include STEM education, multicultural education, and the professional development of preservice and inservice teachers.

This digital portfolio details her teaching, scholarly research, and service to the profession and community.